Environmental Health and Safety has Certified Fire Safety inspectors based at UCF to help improve efficiency. We will continue to work in partnership with the State Fire Marshal’s Office to ensure UCF meets all required codes and keeps our community safe.
The State Fire Marshal’s office will still handle Annual Inspections.
Those needing a Construction Fire inspection or who need to have plans reviewed should contact the Building Department at (407) 823-5323. For more information about EHS visit the website: www.ehs.ucf.edu.

Fire Safety Guidelines
Fire Safety Guidelines Contact
Fire Protection Systems and Equipment Information
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers are provided throughout UCF-owned campus buildings where required by NFPA 10 and the State Fire Marshal. The UCF Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Program is managed by the Fire Safety Coordinator in Environmental Health and Safety and funding for the program is provided by Physical Plant for E&G facilities and billed equally to Auxiliaries in their proportion.
Hot Work Safety Program
The Hot Work Safety Program establishes minimum requirements for performing hot work operations on university properties.
Pyrotechnics and special effects displays on University Property are considered for approval on a case-by-case basis. Advance approval is required from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), and the appropriate University Department or Facility Manager overseeing the proposed area before permit application to the Florida State Fire Marshal (SFM). Only select locations are considered at the discretion of the authorities above. Discharge or trajectory of any device over an audience, campus building, environmentally sensitive zone, or occupied parking area is strictly prohibited. An approved permit is required for all pyrotechnic events and a legible copy of the approved application is required to be provided on-site by the operator.
The signed Permit Application for the Use of Pyrotechnic Displays Form is to be submitted to UCF EHS by the pyrotechnics vendor not less than Thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the event. A complete package including all attachments outlined in the application must be submitted for review. Should there be any reason an item is presumed not applicable, provide written justification for that section in the submittal. To ensure a smooth review process, please organize and present the application and submittal contents in the order they are requested and numbered in the Application Checklist. (Note: The form requires UCF Facility Management approval and confirmation of Independent Fire Watch.)
Electronic submission to EHS is preferred through the UCF sponsor/facility manager so the appropriate sections on page three of the application can be completed. Once the application is reviewed by EHS and found in compliance with the University guidelines it will be forwarded to the State Fire marshal for permit review. Additional forms and signatures will be required as dictated by the SFM.
The event sponsor (UCF Club or Department or Facility Operator) shall also complete and submit the Safe Action for Event (SAFE) Approval form to be circulated separately but to indicate the extent of pyrotechnics proposed for the location. This event approval will be noted as contingent upon the successful completion of the Pyrotechnics Permit process.
Verification of insurance is required and shall be submitted before the event. The applicant is to provide proof of General Liability Insurance for the pyrotechnics display in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees, The Florida Division of State Fire Marshal Bureau of Fire Prevention, and the State of Florida shall be listed as additionally insured but other entities such as UCFAA and individual facility management companies may also be shown as needed or requested.
An independent pyrotechnics fire watch as described herein is to be provided by the facility management. A copy of the approved application and show features will be forwarded to the individual for their reference at the time of the event. The facility management is required to provide the fire watch with communication means (radios) that function within that facility to allow for direct contact with the fire panel watch, event management, and the pyrotechnic operator as needed.
Where a demonstration of an effect is requested by the State Fire Marshal or EHS, such demonstration shall be arranged in advance to be scheduled from 8 AM – 5 PM Monday through Friday in the event facility. Items which cannot be accommodated within these parameters will be subject to deletion from the event request.
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety reserves the right to disapprove any event or effect at any time, even if previously approved. The vendor will be notified as quickly as possible should any problems become apparent.
General Considerations
Only select locations are considered. Please verify with the office of UCF EHS in advance of your requested location’s availability for pyrotechnic accommodations.
All proposed effects shall be restricted as deemed in the best interest of safety by the permitting authority. The items below are identified with limitations as noted, additional effects may be included as needed during the review process.
Prohibited Indoors
- Comets: A pellet of composition that is propelled from a mortar or shell and produces a long-tailed effect.
- Large Waterfalls: Effects such as multiple gerbs suspended overhead near discharging down for a cascading waterfall appearance.
Restricted Indoors
- Propane Flame Effects: allowed with location and discharge heights limited for approved clearances. All effects are to be arranged to stay within the stage area boundary and maintain heights below overhead structures with a minimum clearance of at least 20′.
All drapes and scenery are required to be fire retardant and documentation is provided with the application. No glowing or flaming particles are to be within 10′ of the audience or stage personnel unless prior arrangements have been made specifically for certain performers. Each device shall be at least 15′ from the audience or 2X the fallout radius, whichever is greater. A minimum of 25′ is to be provided to all concussion mortars. Confetti cannons shall not be arranged to discharge in the vicinity of pyrotechnic effects.
Pyrotechnic materials will not be permitted to be stored on-site overnight and must be delivered, secured, and monitored by the display vendor on an as-needed basis for each show day. Only the amount for each show shall be placed at the point of use inside the facility at a time. No other storage inside the facility is allowed unless approved in advance on the application. Suitable secured safety containers are to be provided for all materials with sufficient staffing provided for all locations.
The pyrotechnics vendor applicant is required to hold a valid ATF license for any pyrotechnic display. The operator must be a current employee of the applicant. The vendor is required to provide all necessary safety equipment such as magazines, secured containers, and fire extinguishers to protect the materials while on site. A minimum of 2 ABC dry chemical and 2 water H20 extinguishers are required per event with additional provided as indicated on the application or as needed to cover remote staging areas, the pre-show preparation area, and the display site during the show. Failure to have properly tagged and charged units for the event will void the approved application. The University does not provide fire extinguishers for vendor use. Unauthorized relocation or tampering with the building units is a felony.
Where a fire watch is required a minimum of 1 independent person with adequate training in pyrotechnics oversight and emergency communications means shall be provided and pre-approved by the EHS and or State Fire Marshal. The pyrotechnics fire watch personnel’s only duty is to oversee the pyrotechnics display and watch for fire or other emergencies that could result in harm to persons or property damage. Shows with multiple effect control points will require additional fire watch staff to be indicated at the time of permit approval. The fire watch person will ensure that the effects are brought in, arranged, set up, and discharged safely by the approved permit. The fire watch person shall have the authority to instruct the pyrotechnics vendor to modify or cease use of the effects if they determine a hazard exists. Failure of the vendor’s representative to comply with fire watch personnel’s request may result in disapproval of future permits. The fire watch person shall have the authority to initiate building evacuation. The fire watch person should also be familiar with the facility, the location of the fire alarm system panel and controls, the location of fire extinguishers, and have means of contacting emergency forces. All costs associated with fire watch expenses are to be the responsibility of the facility management, sponsoring department, or venue. Potential fire watch candidates are to contact and submit a list of qualifications for review in advance of the event.
Indoor displays will often require temporary modification to the building detection and alarm systems. When this is necessary a fire alarm trained technician will be required to be on standby at the fire alarm panel to oversee its operation and return it to normal when the show is completed. Physical Plant (PP) or a contracted fire alarm vendor as designated by them is typically employed for this service. Requests for PP service need to be filed 10 days in advance. A fire watch (above) is also required. All costs associated with these services are to be included in the event.
Tents and Temporary Structures
- UCF Tent and Temporary Structure Permit Application
- UCF Tent and Temporary Structure Site Inspection Checklist
Tents and temporary structures are considered for a permit on a case-by-case basis. All requesters planning to erect a tent or temporary structure on university properties shall adhere to this guideline, and apply for a Tent and Temporary Structure Permit through the Environmental Health and Safety Building Code Office. This review and permit process is intended for a temporary installation lasting less than 90 days. All others must go through the UCF Facilities Improvement and full UCF Building Code permit process.
Permit-exempted structures are not required to obtain a Tent and Temporary Structure Permit, but must still comply with all university rules and standards, including but not limited to the requirements in this guideline and checklist, the SAFE Form process, the provisions for liability insurance, and be subject to a safety inspection at any time. All structures must be supported by tie-down means that do not require staking. Ground penetrations by anchors, stakes, and digging are strictly prohibited.
Exempt Temporary Structures are items such as:
- an inflated amusement-type bounce house or a similar amusement attraction
- a climbing wall
- a single canopy or tent erected by private persons not exceeding 120 square feet for personal use
- a display booth or small stage
- a structure, regardless of size, erected for external viewing purposes only (display only items)
When in question, the final interpretation of the application of this procedure to any structure is determined by the UCF Environmental Health and Safety Department.
The Tent and Temporary Structure Permit request must be submitted a minimum of five (5) business days in advance of the event with all required attachments.
These attachments shall include the following:
- Certificate of Liability Insurance
- Flame Spread Certificate
- Site Plan
- Egress Plan
- Seating Plan, (where applicable)
- Services, Equipment, and Utilities Plan, (where applicable)*
- Details on manufacture-approved alternative methods of structural member connections where original equipment is not supplied
- Details on ground support methods: All tents and temporary structures must be supported by alternative anchoring and support methods that do not require staking. Ground penetrations by anchors, stakes, and digging are strictly prohibited
*There is no fee for the permit application through temporary utilities associated with the temporary structure may have installation and inspection costs. A Facilities Operations work order with a billable account number or direct billing information must be filed to request connection to temporary utilities. The event will be charged for excess refuse and or damages to university properties arising from the event or the delivery, installation, and removal of the structure.
The Environmental Health and Safety Department reserves the right to inspect any temporary structure on UCF properties including permit-exempted structures. Any structure found to pose a risk to health or safety, placed without a permit, or installed with a questionable structural assembly will be denied occupancy and removed.
All structures subject to human occupancy shall be manufactured of materials with adequate fire resistance. Improvised tarp or plastic materials are not acceptable.
Overnight camping is not permitted within the areas bordered by Gemini Boulevard and the east property lines of East Greek Park Drive facilities. Additional site use limitations are listed in the minimum requirements below.
All permits for tents and temporary structures are conditional upon safe weather. Where inclement weather occurs after a permit is obtained and before set-up, the permit is voided unless the site is verified to be safe for use. Where unsafe conditions develop during use it shall be the responsibility of the requester and event manager to monitor the site and suspend activities until the structure is again safe to occupy.
Please see the Facilities and Safety Tent and Temporary Structure Permit Procedure for more information.
Applications will be reviewed by the Environmental Health and Safety Department, and the permit will be issued upon verification of compliance. All sites are subject to inspection at any time. If a pre-event inspection is also required it will be noted on the permit application and an appointment made with the Vendor/Requester. All structures may be subject to a safety inspection at any time.
Minimum requirements and guidelines to be considered in addition to the permit are as follows: